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Sunday 16th March 2025 10:30am
Starting from - The start is a car park by the Civic Centre in the middle of town
The Post Code is LL20 7HE
But it's much more accurate to use What3words
What3words which is highly recommended ///owned.fallback.durations
No toilets at the start but we do pass some very close to the start
Please arrive by 1015 at the latest ready to ride by 1030, LL20 7HE
This ride is limited to members of MTB North West group only
Led by experienced ride leaders, these rides are a great way to explore new places and to meet new people who enjoy cycling. They are suitable for all levels of experience, so whether you are a beginner or a seasoned cyclist, you can find a ride that is right for you.
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Starting point
LL20 7HE
This route does have quite a few hills but there are no major roads to contend with
Quiet B Roads, Lanes, Trails and Tracks
We will stop for a proper break at about the halfway point and at any other time when required. This ride is not a race!
A Helmet must be worn. Bring clothing to suit bad weather including rain and cold just in case. Bring a spare innertube that suits your wheels. Bring something to eat and drink as will be stopping in the hills. There will be No shops open.
We never leave anyone behind
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