Friday 28th February 2025 10:30am

Starting from - Windermere Ferry Nab car park off the B5285
Windermere A592

There is a pay and display car park. Card only. Please select 'up to 6 hours £7.80'. Car share where possible. There are also public toilets and a cafe for hot drinks.
Ferries run every 20 mins so please arrive in plenty of time as we don 't want to hanging around in the cold.

Ensure you check your bike over the night before and you have two inner tubes for your bike along with bike levers and pump.

Ride Leaders: Michelle Tonge and Lesley Doxsey
Elevation: 800ft
Avg pace: 6-8mph

If you have not completed a ride participant form previously for one of the HRS rides, please download one from

and email it to AT LEAST 48 HRS before the ride.

Photos will be taken during this ride which will be shared on our social media, if you do not wish your photo to be taken, please advise a ride leader before the ride.

** Please note** we will be travelling on two short ferries on this route.

, LA23 3JH

This Horwich Ride Social Ladies ride is open for anyone to join

  • 9 miles
  • Mountain Bike, Hybrid (off road tyres)
  • 4 hr
Check the weather! Make sure you've brought the right clothing, equipment and provisions so you have an enjoyable experience. Thanks!

Organized by groups in the community, these rides are a great way to meet new people, explore your local area and to have fun riding your bike. You can find rides that are suitable for your level of experience and interests whilst enjoying being part of a social cycling community.

Starting point

LA23 3JH

This playday is ideal for former sofa to saddle participants as it is a steady route with only a couple of inclines on the 2nd half of the ride.
We head off from Windermere Ferry Nab car park and take the ferry across (5 mins) 0.4 miles. This is a contactless only ferry (no cash) and is £1.10.
From here we will follow a cycle route along the edge of Windermere lake which is a combination of gravel tracks, farm lanes, quiet back lanes and shared cycleways.
Our cafe stop is just 4 miles in at Joeys cafe, Wray castle but there is a steady incline to reach it, so you will have earned the cup of chai! Note, this is a vegan cafe but both the coffee and food is delish.
From here we will continue on a quiet lane for approx 0.5 mile before re-joining the shared cycleway. Along this 2nd half of the route, there are slight mounds (inclines) where we transition between road and gravel tracks.
For the last mile of the route, you will need to cycle on the road. We will decide on formation on the day but you must be confident on cycling in traffic. You will have two leaders, front and back, so as long as you can listen to instruction, there is nothing to worry about. Once at Waterhead, we will take the ferry back to Bowness and cycle the last 0.5mile on shared cycleway.
This is suitable for hybrid bikes with off road tyres only or mtbs. No road bikes.

You will need to bring a decent lock, pennies/card for brunch and bike lights for the road sections along with the usual spares and repairs for your own bike. As always, no helmet, no ride.

Who else is on this ride?

7 ride participants


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