Saturday 28th December 2024 11:00am

Starting from - Morrisons at Gilmerton Road, Moredun EH17 7JQ - Let's meet beside the InPost lockers outside Morrisons (see pic below) - Café, toilets, and time-limitless carparks are available (Google Map location: ), EH17 7JQ

This Edinburgh Breeze Ladies ride is open for anyone to join

  • 17 miles
  • Mountain Bike, Hybrid (off road tyres), eBike, Adapted Cycle
  • 3 hr 30 mins
  • Steady
  • Edinburgh
  • Adults 16+ only
  • Women only

Free, women-only bike rides led by experienced Breeze Champions. They are a great way to get started in cycling or to improve your skills, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned cyclist.

Starting point

EH17 7JQ

{*Refer to the route map for a visual presentation, with possibly slight adjustments}

Start at 11:00 from outside Morrisons at Gilmerton Road, Moredun
--> Ride SW along Burdiehouse Burn in Burdiehouse Burn Valley Park Local Nature Reserve
--> Turn SE to quiet roads and shared use path around Gilmerton Dykes and Lasswade Road - QuietRoute 61 (Portobello to Rosslyn Chapel) till City of Edinburgh Bypass
--> Continue following QuietRoute 61 by turning up SW along a long and easy cycle path to Rosslyn Chapel, going past the Battle of Roslin monument
--> Go NW till Penicuik Road and Gowkley Moss Roundabout
--> Turn SSW along a quiet road beside A701
--> Cross the traffic light to join The Brae down to Glencorse Centre, Auchendinny
--> Turn left to Firth Road, a quiet road and path with a short steep descent near Firth Viaduct
--> Walk and push bikes up to Firth Viaduct on a very short (less than 20 metres) but rough and muddy path. Enjoy the tranquil scenery on the bridge.
--> Ride NE along the long NCN 196 to Rosewell, going past Three Hares Community Woodland and Roslin Glen
--> Optional coffee stop at Vin Café, The Steading, Rosewell (to be decided in group when we meet)
--> Continue NE on NCN 196 (overlap with NCN 1)/ Penicuik-Dalkeith Walkway till Eskbank Railway Station
--> Ride up N along Dalhousie Road to Eskbank roundabout
-->Turn NW to Melville Road then Gilmerton Road, mostly cycle lanes and dual paths, via Dobbies Garden Centre and City of Edinburgh Bypass
--> Drum Street and then other minor roads, lastly back to Morrisons at Moredun

Route rating

0 stars (0) Reviews

Why not join a bike ride to wrap up 2024? A relaxing loop from Gilmeton to Roslin - Auchendinny - Rosewell - Eskbank ~~

~ Road types you'll be riding on: Mostly cycle paths/ cycle lanes/ shared use paths and quiet roads, with small sections of a little rough grounds. There will also be a very short leg (less than 20 metres) that requires walking and pushing your bikes on a rough and muddy path.

~ Optional coffee stop at Vin's Café at Rosewell (after about two third of the ride), or snacks stop anywhere suitable in the nature (bring your own snacks and drinks). ~ Toilets available at the start & end point Morrisons at Gilmerton, McDonald's near Eskbank Railway Station, and Dobbies Garden Centre.

~ Recommended to have a helmet, at least one spare inner tube suitable for your bike and relevant tools for mechanics, appropriate clothing to keep warm, snacks and drinking water, and front and rear bike lights in case you may linger on the way home. Better wear hill walking shoes or shoes with anti-slip soles, since we need to walk and push bikes up a short (less than 20 metres) but rough and muddy path.

We never leave anyone behind


Who else is on this ride?

Ride leaders

Profile photo for Fifi Tsoi
  • Breeze Champion

    Breeze Champion

Fifi Tsoi



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