Tuesday 9th July 2024 10:00am

Starting from - At the lennard road exit of cator park, BR3 1QN

This Breeze Bromley ride is open for anyone to join

  • 20 miles
  • Hybrid (road tyres), Road, eBike
  • 4 hr
  • Challenging
  • Bromley
  • Adults 16+ only
  • Women only

Free, women-only bike rides led by experienced Breeze Champions. They are a great way to get started in cycling or to improve your skills, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned cyclist.

Starting point


A ride up to Vauxhall and Lambeth. We will ride up via Peckham and Walworth staying south of the river, as far as Vauxhall park where we will visit the sensory garden and its lavender. We'll also stop at the peace garden at the IWM where the roses and jasmine are in full bloom.
There'll be a coffee stop before we return via the C10;and the waterlink way.
Some roads will be busy, there are some tricky junctions and the usual traffic hazards to be expected in central London. You must be able to keep up with the pace and understand the etiquette of riding in a group.
Not a ride for beginners or ladies who have little experience of group rides.

Who else is on this ride?

Ride leaders

Profile photo for Jacquelyn Turner
  • Ride Leader

    Ride Leader
  • Breeze Champion

    Breeze Champion

Jacquelyn Turner



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