Tuesday 25th July 2023 10:00am

Starting from - Old Moor Lane, Wombwell, Bolton upon Dearne, Barnsley. S73 0YF

This Sheffield Area Social Cycling Group ride is open for anyone to join

  • 28 miles
  • Mountain Bike, Hybrid (off road tyres), Hybrid (road tyres)
  • 4 hr 30 mins

Organized by groups in the community, these rides are a great way to meet new people, explore your local area and to have fun riding your bike. You can find rides that are suitable for your level of experience and interests whilst enjoying being part of a social cycling community.

Starting point

South Yorkshire
S63 5DA

This is a fairly flat route using mainly tracks & trails & very little road. Old railway lines & canal tow paths are the order of the day. Please arrive by 09:50 in order to be away by 10:00. Parking & toilets available at Old Moor.

Route rating

0 stars (0) Reviews

This is an out & back ride, mainly tracks & paths, with a short road section.

Café stop at Newmillerdam.

NB: All riders must wear a helmet and follow the safety advice and guidance of our Guided Ride Leaders whilst out on the roads. Please bring a drink, a snack, a spare inner tube for your bike and money for any refreshments you wish to buy at the cafe.

We especially welcome newbies!

Who else is on this ride?

8 ride participants


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