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Saturday 24th May 2025 10:45am
Starting from - Car parking at Ettrick Forest Sports Club, Ettrickbridge where we will start the ride, TD7 5JN
Free, women-only bike rides led by experienced Breeze Champions. They are a great way to get started in cycling or to improve your skills, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned cyclist.
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(0) ReviewsA ride from Ettrickbridge to Potburn in Ettrick stopping on the return leg at the Boston Hall, Ettrick for a soup and pudding lunch
Leaving Ettrickbridge we will ride on the quiet road B7009 up to Ettrick, turning onto the B709 where we will ride past the Boston Hall and onto Potburn. We then return the same route to the Boston Hall, Ettrick
We will stop on the return leg at the Boston Hall, Ettrick for soup and pudding lunch put on my the Ettrick Valley Macmillain committee
Please bring money for your soup and pudding lunch
We never leave anyone behind
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