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Starting point
Meeting at Dragon Road Car Park we'll be taking things very slowly and easily because this ride is for people who like the idea of cycling but haven't ridden a bike for ages. There are no excuses for not joining us on this one - we'll be taking a bike path all the way to Starbeck for a cuppa - it's only a couple of miles - it's really flat pedalling - you'll receive lots of support and friendly socialising - no lycra needed, just you, your bike, your helmet - plenty of countryside and fresh air. An easy way to experience cycling and get the hang of it safely.
From the Asda / Dragon Rd Car Park we enjoy traffic-free bike paths for 99% of the route (there's a quiet side street to ride along to reach the cafe at The Living Room Cafe, Life Destiny Church Starbeck). Any roadworthy bike is suitable.
The Living Room Cafe - Life Destiny Church, Starbeck, 93b, High St, Harrogate HG2 7LH
Money for car park ticket and cuppa. The bike ride itself is FREE. The ride is arranged as a Ride Social through British Cycling. This means that we ride as a group of friends, look out for each other, and cannot hold the organiser accountable for any incidents or accidents. Over16s only. There is no official leader, although the organiser, Simon, will be helping.
We especially welcome newbies!
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