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Thursday 27th March 2025 10:00am
Starting from - 10am at the coffee shop at The Oval on Ambrose Lane. For those of you driving there is parking near the start. AL5 4BX
This Ladies Only Rides in Harpenden & St Albans ride is open for anyone to join
Free, women-only bike rides led by experienced Breeze Champions. They are a great way to get started in cycling or to improve your skills, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned cyclist.
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Looking for a fun way to spend your Thursday morning? Join us on a social ride to Wheathampstead where we will stop for a coffee and a natter.
The important bits: Please ensure your bike is in good working order and you have an emergency backup/taxi number to call on in case of issues. Ride Related: - check your bike the night before (Tyre pressure will go down when your bike has not been used or from use!) - carry 2 spare inner tubes, tyre levers and correct pump - Money for coffee/emergencies. Helmet (compulsory on ride-sorry!) - Water and a snack, just in case - Appropriate bright and warm clothing (Rain/Sun – hopefully the latter) - Lights (not essential but a plus in winter)
Please don’t worry if you have not ridden for a while or have not been on a Breeze ride before. We were all newbies once!
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