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Tuesday 14th January 2025 11:05am
Starting from - Outside the train station I will be coming in by train hence the 11.05 start, GU1 4UA
This Burnham Bimblers ride is open for anyone to join
Organized by groups in the community, these rides are a great way to meet new people, explore your local area and to have fun riding your bike. You can find rides that are suitable for your level of experience and interests whilst enjoying being part of a social cycling community.
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Route rating
(0) ReviewsA new route for me so testing it out for later in the year. It will be done at a very easy pace
A mix of quiet country lanes and bridlepaths with urban roads at both ends
Making it up as I go along there are plenty of options
Lights puncture repair kit/spare tube(s) money to buy me a beer Also for train fare home
First-timers welcome!
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