Sunday 21st October 2018 2:30pm

Starting from - School of Management, by the Santander Bike Stand. SA1 8EN

This Swansea University Guided Rides ride is open for anyone to join

  • 12.1 miles
  • Hybrid (off road tyres), Hybrid (road tyres), Road
  • 1 hr 30 mins

Welcome to Britain’s biggest network of cyclists! Meet like-minded riders, create groups, and organise your own rides.

Starting point


This will be a leisurely social ride along the seafront, where people can chat as they go along.
Please note if there are any obstructions along the route there may need to be a small detour which could mean going onto the road.

This is a Guided ride with member(s) of the Swansea University trained Ride Leaders, open to any Swansea University Students or Staff alongside their friends and family. The meeting point is on the corner of School of Management next to the Santander Bike rack. You will be able to spot the University Ride Leader as they will be wearing a Gilet with the University Logo on it.

The route will be on the cycle path. However some of it runs along the sea front and there can be sand on the cycle path. So please consider this if using a road bike

We will be cycling to Mumbles, stopping outside Verdi's. This ride would a great opportunity for those who fancy treating themselves to an ice cream, coffee or cake from the well known Verdi’s cafe. We will then depart from Mumbles, finishing up at Singleton Campus, by the Santander Bike rack.

The only requirements for joining these rides is that if you are using your own bike, please ensure it is roadworthy and in particular that both front and rear brakes function effectively, you must also wear a cycle helmet. However if you wish to use a Santander bike, these are maintained as part of the scheme, but the university would still like to suggest that you wear a helmet. Prior to any ride departing the ride leaders will go through some basic safety information and instructions regarding the ride. Also if you wish to go inside Verdi's for a coffee please bring a bike lock to secure your bike.

We never leave anyone behind

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