Photo for Chesterfield Community Cycling Group

Established - 16/08/2023

  • Members 59
  • Availability


  • Group type Everyone
  • Avg. distance (miles) 21.5
  • Avg. duration (hours) 4:04
  • Bike types All bike types
  • Rating 5 stars (3) Reviews

The group is inclusive for all rider abilities. And all ages, young and old. We never leave anyone behind.

We cycle to keep fit, meet new friends and enjoy the social side. We meet as often as we can at weekends, on days off, and summer evenings, to cycle mainly off-road on tracks such as the Trans Pennine Trail, quiet roads and lanes.

We usually cycle at least 15 miles and at the speed of the slowest rider. No one is left behind. If you're fairly new to cycling most of the routes can be shortened to suit. Rides often depend on the weather and may be planned at short notice, so keep checking.

This is a social group of like-minded people sharing a love of cycling, it is not a formal organisation nor does it have any form of legal structure. You are free to choose to ride with us, but you do so entirely at your own risk. We cannot accept responsibility for any loss or injury suffered as a result of participation.


Group currently has no future rides

Past rides

Title Date and time Location Rating
Monsal by Moonlight (16m NIGHT... Friday 15th November 2024 6:30pm DE45 1GE 0 stars Full details

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Monsal by Moonlight (16m NIGHT... Saturday 28th October 2023 6:45pm DE45 1GE 5 stars Full details

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Poolsbrook country park, Stock... Friday 6th October 2023 10:00am S43 3WL 5 stars Full details

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Poolsbrook country park to Rot... Saturday 23rd September 2023 10:00am S43 3WL 5 stars Full details

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Poolsbrook country park, Stock... Sunday 27th August 2023 10:00am S43 3WL 0 stars Full details

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