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Training in Cambridgeshire, Beth became a ride leader in 2018 after starting cycling at 55. “I set myself 55 challenges to complete in my 55th year”, said Beth, which included the goal of completing a triathlon and naturally led to more cycling.
Before moving to Scotland, Beth had been assisting on Breeze rides before leading her own. “I’d been assisting on rides for two or three years before so had a pretty good idea of what it entailed. I also had some great contacts up in the Borders like Laura Nisbet, (Area Coordinator) which helped me feel already part of the community thanks to the connection of Breeze.”
It was through Scottish Cycling’s/ Breeze communications that Beth spotted the opportunity to try track cycling and immediately signed up with her hunger for challenge in mind. “It’s something I’d always wanted to do anyway, and this allowed me to try it out with others from the Breeze community in my new area.”
The hour-long session saw 12 beginners hit the track and where they were coached how to ride without brakes (a first for many), gradually progressing up the boards. “What could possibly go wrong?”, Beth joked nervously, only to be pleasantly surprised by how quickly she adjusted to it. “In no time you get the hang of it and you’re suddenly doing full laps! My absolute highlight for 2024 and a brilliant opportunity to be given”.
When asked if she would do a track session again Beth said: “Definitely – I came away feeling so elated and almost relieved that I’d done it! I was chatting about it with my daughter the whole car ride home… I actually think she wished she’d never asked by the time we got back.”
When asked to offer advice to someone considering their first track session, Beth said: “Go for it! You’ll get such an immense sense of achievement. I’d also suggest going along with a small group too, preferably with some beginners in the mix. It’s more relatable this way, rather than comparing yourself to people who have more experience. You all feel like you’re learning something new together which is a really special moment”.
Looking ahead, Beth is keen to seek out new challenges both on and off the bike. “I’d love to keep the momentum going this year”, she said, “and I’ve been thinking about doing some bike-packing trips, maybe within the local groups. 2024 will be a tough one to beat but I’m looking forward to making new memories and having more highlights to look back on at the end of 2025”.