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Starting point
Midlands Co-op car park (please use the spaces alongside the railway)
Bridge Road
LE67 3PW
This route take you along no fewer than four (count them!) off road trails where the cycling will be relaxed and away from the noise and pollution of motor vehicles. Within a mile of the start you'll swing on to the Bosworth Trail and leave town for the North Leicestershire countryside. After another mile and a half you pick up the Grace Dieu Trail, why not take a break at the Priory. The Iron Madonna sculpture is there, known locally as "Rusty Mary". You will then be in sparsely populated country travelling up to Belton at the 5 mile point. From here you continue westwards on NCN15 which goes to East Midlands Airport. At the 8 mile marker, with hill top views of Breedon Church looking as if it will tumble into the Cloud Quarry, you join the Cloud Trail (NCN6) and then pick up the off road route towards the Garendon Trail. Why not stop to admire the Drill Sculpture and climb up to the Viewing Point where you can see right into the quarry. You then continue to the Osgathorpe village and back to Grace Dieu Priory before retracing the home stretch to Coalville.