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Starting point
Croxteth Hall & Country Park
Muirhead Avenue East
L11 1EH
Croxteth Park
A nice easy ride around Croxteth Hall Park taking in many parts of the park you may not have seen. This is ideal for the whole family on any type of bike. There are lots of things to see besides the buildings, such the farm animals like Highland cows, birds including Jays, Magpies and Robins. River crossings, woods and ponds. There is also plenty of other things to do before and after the ride. The ride is split between mainly tarmac surface and a stretch of gravel path which is well maintained.
This route has been British Cycling assessed as an accessible route, meaning it is suitable for the majority of adaptive bikes. The route will have no or low levels of traffic, there will be plenty of space and will have a good surface throughout. If you have any questions about using this route on an adaptive bike on this ride, please use the red 'Contact Us' button below or call 0161 274 2000 and ask for the Recreation team.
For more information on adaptive bikes, including hiring and booking adaptive bikes for our rides then please visit