Saturday 28th October 2023 10:00am

Starting from - We'll meet up at Tracs Bike Hire and Shop, which is just behind the Delamere Cafe / Admin building. CW8 2JD

  • 10 miles
  • Mountain Bike, Hybrid (off road tyres)
  • 2 hr 30 mins

Free, women-only bike rides led by experienced Breeze Champions. They are a great way to get started in cycling or to improve your skills, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned cyclist.

Starting point


We'll be riding a 10 mile route around the forest. Most of it is flat and easy to ride but some small sections are a little bumpy and uneven. This is nothing that can't be managed by using an easy gear and keeping the pedals turning.

There is also one small hill that some may need to walk. If you need to get off and walk on these small sections, that's perfectly acceptable so please don't let that put you off joining us. Even slow cyclists are lapping the folks lounging on their sofas.

In general, the route is non-technical so all bikes are suitable, although, if it's rained, the skinny tyres of a road bike may not be the best. There is no need to be super experienced or amazingly fast as the plan is to have a social ride at the speed of the slowest rider. We're out to have fun, cycle, chat and of course, eat cake.

Oh, but I don't have a suitable bike I hear you say. Well, we meet at Tracs cycle hire where you can hire a bike for approx. £25. Follow this link for more information -

Photos and Videos are taken on the ride, if you do not wish to have your photo taken or be in the video let me know.

We'll meet up at Tracs Bike Hire and Shop, which is just behind the Delamere Cafe / Admin building. From the B5152, at the train station, turn and follow the sign for Go Ape Forest Centre. After 0.5 mile, continue onto the carpark. To the right of the carpark is the Tracs shop.

The ride is anticipated to take approx. 90 minutes, but allow up to 2 hours if you plan to join us at the café.

Don't forget to bring a spare innertube, snack bar, a warm layer and maybe a waterproof layer if the weather isn't so great. Money for the café stop is essential.

We especially welcome newbies!

Who else is on this ride?

Ride leaders

Profile photo for Rachel  Evans
  • Breeze Champion

    Breeze Champion

Rachel Evans

3 ride participants


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