Friday 27th May 2016 7:00pm

Starting from - Bishopsgate entrance to Windsor Great Park. Car parking on left before gate. TW20 0XU, TW20 0XU

  • 10 miles
  • Mountain Bike, Hybrid (off road tyres), Hybrid (road tyres), Road
  • 1 hr 15 mins

Welcome to Britain’s biggest network of cyclists! Meet like-minded riders, create groups, and organise your own rides.

Starting point

TW20 0XU

Bishopsgate entrance to Windsor Great Park. Car parking on left before gate. TW20 0XU

All on road within the Park - occasional vehicles, but pedestrians aplenty... oh, and dogs. A couple of hills, but we regroup at the top. Group riding means riding close together at the pace of the slowest. We may split into two groups if it is apparent there is a significant difference in abilities, however. If you sign up but can't make it, or are going to be late, please ring Glenn on 07980 566176.

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