Friday 23rd February 2024 9:35am

Starting from - We will meet outside the front entrance to the FBC centre at 9.30. The car parking is free or please park considerately on local roads if it is busy. If starting from Crowthorne - we will meet at 9.00 by the bike racks at the entrance to Wellington Health & Fitness Club (RG45 7PT) - access is via Wellington Business Park, NOT the main College entrance. RG40 4ES

  • 17 miles
  • All bike types
  • 3 hr
  • Steady
  • Wokingham
  • Adults 16+ only
  • Women only

Free, women-only bike rides led by experienced Breeze Champions. They are a great way to get started in cycling or to improve your skills, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned cyclist.

Starting point

RG40 4ES

A fairly easy 17 mile route from FBC, starting on the greenway, then over Farley Hill to Swallowfield and Riseley, stopping at Wellington Farm Shop for a coffee break. The return journey will be on country lanes and hopefully through a bit of Bramshill Forest and over the New Mill Ford. (If it looks too muddy nearer the time, we can return on roads via Arborfield instead.) I will be starting from Crowthorne at 9.00am so if anyone would like to join me and start from Wellington Health & Fitness club (postcode: RG45 7PT) - I would be glad of your company over to FBC. (Return journey from Crowthorne would be a total of 23 miles.) Please message me via the conversation tab on Let's Ride if you would like to start at Crowthorne. - Otherwise please note - we will meet the others at FBC at 9.30 and start the ride from there at 9.35am

To avoid unnecessary delays, please check the night before that your tyres are correctly inflated, brakes working, and chain oiled. Cycle helmets are compulsory. Please also bring a bottle of water, a spare inner tube and a pump and bike lock if you have one. For the coffee stop, please bring cash or card for drink payment.

We especially welcome newbies!

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Ride leaders

Profile photo for Jill Bissell
  • Breeze Champion

    Breeze Champion

Jill Bissell

3 ride participants


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