Sunday 5th November 2017 11:00am

Starting from - Watford Cycle Hub, The Pavilion, Chaffinch Lane (off Tolpits Lane), Watford, WD18 9QD

Tel. 01923 223994

Free Car Parking, Toilets, Use of Track Pump for tyres and access to drinking water to fill water bottles.


Facebook:, WD18 9QD

This Watford Cycle Hub Rides ride is open for anyone to join

  • 8.5 miles
  • Mountain Bike, Hybrid (off road tyres)
  • 2 hr 30 mins
  • Steady
  • Watford
  • Children aged 8-15*, Children aged 11-15*, Adults 16+ only, Children aged 5-15*

Your .pdf route card download should begin shortly if it has not started please click here.

Your .pdf route card download should begin shortly if it has not started please click here.

Welcome to Britain’s biggest network of cyclists! Meet like-minded riders, create groups, and organise your own rides.

Starting point

Watford Cycle Hub,
King George V playing fields,
WD18 9QD

Watford Cycle Hub,King George V playing fields, Watford, WD18 9QD

The Ebury Way follows the route of a disused railway track through trees, passing by gravel lakes, rivers and over the Grand Union Canal. At the centre of the Aquadrome are three lakes, formed by the extraction of gravel used in the construction of the original Wembley Stadium. This easy, virtually flat, traffic free route is a perfect mini-adventure for beginners & families & anyone wanting a gentle, sociable, easy Sunday morning ride with a leisurely cafe stop, at the Cafe-in-the-Park. :) Whether you want to have brunch or an early lunch at this local gem of a cafe, or simply a hot drink, your company is warmly welcome as we enjoy a relaxed social ride with extended cafe time. :) There may be a bit of a wait, as this is an excellent cafe, but that also gives us all a chance to chat as we wait and we promise the food and drink at the Cafe-in-the-Park is worth waiting for! :) Check out:

Please bring two spare inner tubes in case of a puncture - as changing an inner tube is faster than getting out the rubber glue. The Ride Leaders can help if anyone in the group has a puncture on the day. Watford Cycle Hub sell inner tubes from £4 new, or second hand ones for 50p patched, £1 with no patches, should you need to purchase one. Please check your bike is in good working order before the ride - especially that your brakes are working & your tyres are pumped. You can also come along early before the ride to use our track pump, or we can help you get your tyres to the correct pressure pre-ride. :)

Georgia, our Ride Co-ordinator is leading this one.

Everyone welcome. :)

Route rating

4.5 stars (23) Reviews

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7 ride participants


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