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Friday 14th February 2025 9:30am
Starting from - We will meet in the car park by Blackroot Bistro in Sutton Park, B74 2YU. Our meeting point will be in the corner of the car park nearest to the Bistro, next to the gate. Look out for the leader's red jacket. The ride leaves at 9.30am. Please arrive 10 minutes early for a short ride briefing. B74 2YU
This Sutton Park Breezers ride is open for anyone to join
Free, women-only bike rides led by experienced Breeze Champions. They are a great way to get started in cycling or to improve your skills, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned cyclist.
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Starting point
B74 2YU
Join us for a gentle, traffic-free cycle through beautiful Sutton Park. We will start at Blackroot Bistro, before exploring the tarmac paths of Sutton Park, passing Blackroot Pool, the Jamboree Stone and Keeper's Pool along the way.
The route is completely off road on tarmac paths and so is suitable for those who are not confident riding on the road. There are some hills but nothing too strenuous and we will always take it at a leisurely pace and stop if necessary. We always go at the pace of the slowest rider and never leave anyone behind.
We will stop at Blackroot Bistro for refreshments at the end of the ride.
Riders should wear a helmet and clothing suitable for the weather. Please ensure your bike is in good working order and bring a spare inner tube, a pump, some money for refreshments and a drink.
First-timers welcome!
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