Monday 16th October 2023 11:00am

Starting from - Meet at the top of Oxford Road car park (HR3 5EQ) is a long stay car park for all vehicle types. Hay on Wye and be ready to leave by 11 am. Public toilets are available here.
, HR3 5EQ

  • 31 miles
  • Hybrid (road tyres), Road, eBike
  • 3 hr 50 mins

Free, women-only bike rides led by experienced Breeze Champions. They are a great way to get started in cycling or to improve your skills, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned cyclist.

Starting point


We take the back road towards Builth and after a few miles turn right to the tiny homestead of Aberedw. From here we climb steadily up a beautiful valley, following a bubbling stream.
After a few miles of gradual climbing, we turn right and start “The Mother” of all climbs!! If you’re extremely fit, you may be able to cycle to the top without stopping but mere mortals, will have to push for a while.

We continue to the top of the exposed common and then start a long downhill section, passing through Painscastle and Clyro, before we arrive back in Hay on Wye. Here we plan to find a café offering some well-earned refreshment.

If you are free and fancy getting out on your bike for some fresh air, fun and non-competitive exercise, join us on a fabulous bicycle ride starting and finishing in Hay on Wye (Max. 6 participants). It will be a circular route, using mainly quiet country lanes. This ride will be led at a social pace, with no one being left behind. All adult women are welcome.

Mainly quiet country lanes, sometimes gently undulating, other times, steep ups and downs, with one major climb, that’s locally known as “The Mother!”

Plenty of opportunity to stop on-route to catch your breath, have a drink and enjoy the views. We plan to finish in Hay for coffee and cake.

Please bring a well-maintained bicycle, wear a helmet, gloves and appropriate clothing for the weather. THIS RIDE IS EXPOSED IN PLACES, SO MAKE SURE YOU WEAR OR CARRY SOME EXTRA LAYERS AND IT’S ESSENTIAL TO HAVE A WATERPROOF JACKET. Remember to bring a drink, some snacks, a sandwich, spare tube, puncture repair kit, lock and pump and bring some money for refreshments. A set of lights for both front and back of your bike, can be useful at this time of year.

We’re friendly, we love cycling, laughing and we never leave anyone behind.

Who else is on this ride?

Ride leaders

Profile photo for Sarah Doney
  • Ride Leader

    Ride Leader
  • Breeze Champion

    Breeze Champion

Sarah Doney



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