Sunday 29th September 2024 10:00am

Starting from - We will meet in Kinloch Rannoch (by old petrol pumps) at 09:45am for a 10:00am start. Please be on time for the bike check and rider briefing. We cannot be late for the tearoom.
There may not be portaloos up at Kinloch Rannoch this year - so alternatives toilets are at Queens View Visitor Centre ( - or at the Allean Forest carpark ( both on the north side of Loch Tummel on the road from Pitlochry to Kinloch Rannoch. Toilet facilities are limited with no toilets on the second half of the cycle after lunch. PH16 5PN

  • 33.3 miles
  • Hybrid (road tyres), Road, eBike
  • 4 hr 30 mins

0 Places left

10 Places booked

This ride is fully booked

Free, women-only bike rides led by experienced Breeze Champions. They are a great way to get started in cycling or to improve your skills, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned cyclist.

Starting point

PH16 5PN

A longer ride into the furthest reaches of Highland Perthshire. Starting from Kinloch Rannoch we will cycle clockwise along the south side of Loch Rannoch and up to Rannoch Station tea room for lunch, then back along the north side of the Loch. A total of 33 miles with some challenging terrain.
The film stars of the Trainspotting movie famously stopped at Rannoch Station Tearoom whilst travelling to film at Corrour.

Route rating

0 stars (0) Reviews

A lovely cycle around beautiful Loch Rannoch with a visit to the fabulous tearoom at the remote Rannoch Station.

Hey, we will enjoy the wonderfully scenic route with breathtaking views and lovely sandy beaches around the perimeter of Loch Rannoch. This is a quiet, mainly singletrack, circular loop with rolling moorland and views to Schiehallion.

We will stop for lunch at the famous Rannoch Station Tearoom. An order form will be distributed in advance of this raid for you to select your food and drinks. We will also stop as needed for riders to have their own refreshments..

Riders are advised to wear helmets and eye protection. Each should bring money for lunch at the tearoom, a waterproof, jacket, have lights on their bikes and bring plenty to drink. Bikes should be fully maintained and in good working order. Participants should bring one or two spare innertubeā€˜s, and a means of inflating their tyres with a pump or gas cyclinders that fits the valves on their bike. Due to the changeable nature of weather it is recommended that riders bring/wear layers for extra warmth as the air can be very cool at this time of year. Should a rider have a mechanical issue that cannot be fixed at the roadside, they need to have a means of getting themselves home as there is no back up vehicle available for this ride.

We never leave anyone behind

Who else is on this ride?

Ride leaders

Profile photo for Kirsteen Ross
  • Breeze Champion

    Breeze Champion
  • Community Groups Volunteer

    Community Groups Volunteer

Kirsteen Ross



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