Friday 4th April 2025 11:00am

Starting from - Mallinson Sports centre (in front of the Highgate Pre-Preparatory School)
Bishopswood Road, N6 4PH

  • 14.3 miles
  • All bike types
  • 2 hr 25 mins

4 Places left

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Your .pdf route card download should begin shortly if it has not started please click here.

Led by experienced ride leaders, these rides are a great way to explore new places and to meet new people who enjoy cycling. They are suitable for all levels of experience, so whether you are a beginner or a seasoned cyclist, you can find a ride that is right for you.

Starting point

Mallinson Sports centre (in front of the Highgate Pre-Preparatory School)
Bishopswood Road
N6 4PH


Try this route to see just how easy it is to get to the various parks in your area by bike!  Starting from Mallinson Sports Centre, this 14.3 mile route follows quiet roads to link up the various lovely parks that Haringey has to offer.  The route also includes a well worth visit to Bruce Grove Castle.  Why not stop to enjoy some refreshments along the Lea Valley before getting back on the bike to enjoy the rest of the ride.  This route is ideal for anyone wanting to stretch their legs and get to know their way around the borough.

This route has a modest 500 feet of climbs.

All participants are expected to bring:
• A bike in good working order with tyres pumped to the correct pressure. Please conduct a pre-ride safety check on your bike.
• A cycle helmet.
• Carry at least a spare inner tube, pump and tyre levers.
• A cycle lock for the refreshment stop.
• Dress for the weather on the day..
• A drink.
• Lights if there is any chance of poor visibility.

Route rating

5 stars (2) Reviews

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Ride leaders

Profile photo for Yves Remedios
  • Ride Leader

    Ride Leader
  • Community Groups Volunteer

    Community Groups Volunteer

Yves Remedios


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