Tuesday 4th May 2021 6:30pm

Starting from - Clayport Library, Millennium Place, DH1 1WA

This Women - Breeze Durham ride is open for anyone to join

  • 6 miles
  • Mountain Bike, Hybrid (off road tyres), Hybrid (road tyres), Road
  • 1 hr 30 mins
  • Steady
  • Durham
  • Adults 16+ only
  • Women only

Free, women-only bike rides led by experienced Breeze Champions. They are a great way to get started in cycling or to improve your skills, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned cyclist.

Starting point


Tootle to the Tithe Barn
Tues 4th May 6.30pm 6 miles
Start at Clayport Library, Millennium Place DH1 1WA

Who knew there was a Tithe Barn in the city centre? We discovered this during lockdown so thought it worthy of a short evening bike trip.

Our route is a great showcasing of the city. We start by breezing the riverbanks to Shincliffe and back to Green Lane. We’ll pass the Crown Court and discover the Tithe Barn, hidden away behind Whinney Hill. Our journey then explores some of the university site before heading across the river via Prebends Bridge and back down the Bailey, past the Cathedral and Castle to our start by the library.

We’ll be following a mix of good quality off-road paths and quiet roads and being short, the ride is most suitable for beginners or those wanting to build confidence and any type of bike will do the job.

As always we can’t predict the weather so please dress suitably. You may well need gloves and a buff/snood to keep your neck warm. Please come with bike lights in case light conditions are dreary.

In order for the ride to leave promptly, please be punctual so we can carry out bike checks, etc. prior to us setting off. Please make sure your bike is in working condition and bring a spare tube to fit your tyres. Expect to be out for about an hour.

For any queries please contact [email protected]. For any last minute cancellations on the day please text 07708327943 (note this phone is only for the day of the ride) otherwise use the option to cancel when you log in to letsride.co.uk. If the weather is poor we will only contact you if we are cancelling the ride and will do so no later than 4pm on the day by putting a message in the ‘conversation’ tab in the ride. You will receive a notification by email if there is a message. If you have not heard from us we are still riding.

In view of COVID-19 we will be taking this into account with our ride leading and we will follow govt. guidelines. Please note the following:
• We are keeping group sizes small and social distancing
• We will not share any equipment so please be organised and bring your own items eg drink, spare inner tube, tyre levers and pump, sun cream and hand sanitiser.
• You should pay particular attention to your bike being in good working order before attending a ride so as to minimise risks and disruption to rides.
• Participants must not attend a ride if they have COVID-19 symptoms or have been in contact with anyone with symptoms
• Anyone who develops COVID symptoms before or after a ride must contact the leader who will inform British Cycling HQ who will alert everyone who attended the ride.
You can contact the leader directly via the ‘Message Ride Creator’ tab in the ride posting on let’s ride unless you have their direct contact details already.

Look forward to seeing you.

Audrey and Susan

Who else is on this ride?

Ride leaders

Profile photo for Audrey Christie
  • Ride Leader

    Ride Leader
  • Breeze Champion

    Breeze Champion
  • Community Groups Volunteer

    Community Groups Volunteer

Audrey Christie

Profile photo for Susan Womersley
  • Ride Leader

    Ride Leader
  • Breeze Champion

    Breeze Champion

Susan Womersley

3 ride participants


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