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Wednesday 19th February 2025 10:00am
Starting from - 10am READY TO RIDE please arrive earlier for required faffage time.
Car Park postcode is - WA12 8QS
What3words - ///extension.blasted.brink
This takes you to Mucky Mountains car park, Sankey Valley.
The postcode is the Linear Park Care Home, to the side is a single track lane, with height restriction barrier. Go down this lane to the car park.
If your vehicle is very high and won't get under the barrier park up near the care home and ride down. WA12 8QS
This Lancashire Lasses-Breeze ride is open for anyone to join
Free, women-only bike rides led by experienced Breeze Champions. They are a great way to get started in cycling or to improve your skills, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned cyclist.
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WA12 8QS
Route rating
(0) ReviewsA beautiful memorial to the mining community. Amazing to see especially getting to it by pedal power.
A lot of traffic free paths, along the canal and cycle lanes. A few roads, but the majority quiet lanes. A small section of busy roads.
The main stop is of course the beautiful Dream. But also a cafestop at Bold Heath Garden Centre. Another unique stop off. A local farmer/butcher (not suitable for vegetarians) with a self service machine for fresh meat. I got gorgeous sausages, caramelised onion.
As usual, no helmet, no ride. Bring cash/card for the cafe and butchers. Any spares needed for your bike. Make sure you have an inner tube that fits your bike, they are all different. Please make sure your bike is in good working order, we aren't mechanics.
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