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Wednesday 4th May 2022 10:00am
Starting from - Addison Howard Park, Bedford Road, Kempston. Off M1 junction13. Free car park on the edge of Bedford. Members able offer a lift to others, please enter the offer in the ride "conversation", it will ease parking congestion and save fuel if we can buddy up. Alternatively a train to Bedford with a change at Bletchley onto the branch line. MK42 8PN
This Spokes SW Herts Cycling Group ride is open for anyone to join
Organized by groups in the community, these rides are a great way to meet new people, explore your local area and to have fun riding your bike. You can find rides that are suitable for your level of experience and interests whilst enjoying being part of a social cycling community.
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MK42 8PN
Mainly Traffic free on Sustrans Cycle Way
This is a Medium Pace ride, average speed 9 to 11 mph organised by SPOKES SW Herts Cycling Group. If you are not a SPOKES Member and still wish to join our rides, some of which are restricted to Members only, please join us for the modest subscription of £12 pa (£3 for subsequent family members in the same household). You'll find details at On the same website, you will also find our calendar of planned rides.
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