Tuesday 13th April 2021 10:00am

Starting from - "The Range" car park Griffiths Way St. Albans (free Car Parking), AL1 2RJ

This ride is limited to members of Spokes SW Herts Cycling Group group only

  • 14 miles
  • Mountain Bike, Hybrid (off road tyres), Hybrid (road tyres), Road
  • 2 hr 30 mins

Welcome to Britain’s biggest network of cyclists! Meet like-minded riders, create groups, and organise your own rides.

Starting point


Join Lorreine for a ride to Hatfield House and return. A take away (or BYO if you prefer) socially distanced refreshment stop venue will be arranged.

This socially distanced ride is limited to pre-booked (via Lets Ride) SPOKES Members only, due to the limit on numbers. It is a medium pace ride (9-11mph average) organised by SPOKES SW Herts Cycling Group.

If you are not a SPOKES Member and still wish to join our rides, some of which are restricted to Members only, during this period of restriction, please join us for the modest subscription of £12 pa (£3 for subsequent family members in the same household). You'll find details at http://www.spokesgroup.org.uk/about/. On the same website, you will also find our calendar of planned rides.

Covid Guidance must be followed at all times, refreshment breaks will be outdoor, socially distanced in groups no larger than 6 and are dependent upon weather and café availability. Bring spare inner tube, pump and essential tools, hand sanitizer, drinks and refreshment. All that you need so you are self-sufficient in repairing your bike, punctures etc. and do not need close distance contact or to share with the rest of the group. Use of a face covering is optional.

A nice relaxed ride, not challenging or hilly.

Mainly off road, using the Alban Way.

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