Saturday 12th August 2017 11:30am

Starting from - Meeting at the Sherwood pines visitor centre on the picnic area just outside the café and down from the cycle hire.

We will be assembled at one of the tables, look out for the Nottingham Cycle Team logo attached to one of the bikes, probably the one with fluorescent forks and blue frame which is a Cube Analogue 29.

For more information:
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Website -, NG21 9JL

  • 10 miles
  • Mountain Bike, Hybrid (off road tyres), Hybrid (road tyres), Road
  • 6 hr

Welcome to Britain’s biggest network of cyclists! Meet like-minded riders, create groups, and organise your own rides.

Starting point

NG21 9JL

Meeting at the Sherwood pines visitor centre on the picnic area just outside the café and down from the cycle hire.

We will be assembled at one of the tables, look out for the Nottingham Cycle Team logo attached to one of the bikes, probably the one with fluorescent forks and blue frame which is a Cube Analogue 29.

For more information:
Facebook -
Twitter -
Website -

Meeting at the Sherwood pines visitor centre on the picnic area just outside the café and down from the cycle hire.

We will be assembled at one of the tables, look out for the Nottingham Cycle Team logo attached to one of the bikes, probably the one with fluorescent forks and blue frame which is a Cube Analogue 29.

The ride is an off road route of about 10 miles give or take with plenty of rest areas, this route passes the downhill section for those brave enough to have a go. The visitor centre has food and refreshments and of course a cycle hire centre for those wishing to drive to the pines.

Helmets MUST be worn.

Who else is on this ride?

2 ride participants


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