Sunday 10th December 2023 1:30pm

Starting from - Meet on the village green in Great Bowden. There is parking on local roads if needed and Bowden is an easy 5 minute cycle ride from Harborough station. There are good amenities in the various cafes and pubs around the green. LE16 7EU

  • 14.7 miles
  • All bike types
  • 1 hr 30 mins

Free, women-only bike rides led by experienced Breeze Champions. They are a great way to get started in cycling or to improve your skills, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned cyclist.

Starting point

LE16 7EU

We take the lane to Thorpe Langton and then enjoy the largely gentle downhill road to Welham. In Welham we turn right and take the road that leads to Weston by Welland. We turn left by the pub and ride up Green Lane which has a little bit of an uphill section to test our legs! We then ride into Medbourne where, depending on the weather, we can enjoy the ford, before heading back to Weston, and Bowden.

Route rating

0 stars (0) Reviews

You are welcome to join any of these December rides to help you stay energised and calm around Christmas. Look after your own mental and physical health by taking a couple of hours out to cycle the local Leicestershire lane. Enjoy the views, the wildlife and whatever the weather throws at us. In this second ride we cycle out to Medbourne, one of the loveliest villages in the county.

We ride on quiet country lanes with little traffic.

We ride at a gentle pace, chatting as we go and stopping for breathers and water at regular intervals. There's also the opportunity to enjoy a hot drink together at the end of the ride.

You must wear a helmet on this ride. It’s also a good idea to bring a spare inner tube just in case! Depending on the weather you may want to bring a rain coat – and don’t forget warm gloves.

This ride is particularly suitable for new riders and those returning to cycling. Any sort of bike and rider is very welcome and we never leave anyone behind.

Who else is on this ride?

Ride leaders

Profile photo for Judith Rout
  • Ride Leader

    Ride Leader
  • Breeze Champion

    Breeze Champion

Judith Rout

2 ride participants


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