Monday 18th December 2023 10:00am

Starting from - S43 3WL
Plenty of free parking with toilet facilities. There is also cafe, but not sure if it will be open when we set off.
We will meet in front of the cafe area at 9.45. S43 3WL

  • 25 miles
  • Hybrid (off road tyres), eBike
  • 4 hr

Organized by groups in the community, these rides are a great way to meet new people, explore your local area and to have fun riding your bike. You can find rides that are suitable for your level of experience and interests whilst enjoying being part of a social cycling community.

Starting point

S43 3WL

We will set of from Poolsbrook head towards Markham Vale and past the Miners Memorial. Then head down to the Stockley Trail, follow the trail to the end, where we will then head to Bramley Vale up through the wood and into the Hardwick estate.
On our return we will head to Rowthorne up to Glapwell down Glapwell Hill and back onto the Stockley Trail back to Poolsbrook.
We never leave anyone behind!

We will be starting from Poolsbrook Country Park, passing through the Miners Memorial, then heading up the National Trust Property Hardwick Hall. Built in 1590 by Bess of Hardwick, Elizabeth Shrewsbury and finished in 1597.

Mainly Tracks, Trails and minor roads.

We will be hoping to stop at the Hardwick Inn Cafe/Restaurant for lunch. You can either bring your own our have a look at the Hardwick menu. If for some reason the cafe if to busy we will continue to the Glapwell Nurseries.

All riders are to wear helmets, and clothing for the time of year bearing in mind it is December. Spares for prepares and any money/ card for any purchases you wish to make at Hatdwick either in the cafe or the shop.

First-timers welcome!

Who else is on this ride?

11 ride participants


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