Saturday 28th November 2020 9:30am

Starting from - Harlaw Reservoir Car Park. EH14 7AS

  • 12 miles
  • Mountain Bike
  • 3 hr 30 mins
  • Mountain bike
  • Edinburgh
  • Adults 16+ only
  • Women only
Don’t forget! This is a mountain bike ride, so may involve terrain that’s a bit trickier to negotiate. Please consider your own ability to ride the length, elevation and terrain of the ride as detailed in the ride description. If in any doubt, message the Breeze Champion. 

Free, women-only bike rides led by experienced Breeze Champions. They are a great way to get started in cycling or to improve your skills, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned cyclist.

Starting point

EH14 7JT


My name is Jenn and I am a Level 2 Mountain Bike Leader! I work over Summer in Aberfoyle as an Outdoor Activities Instructor and I have just returned to Edinburgh for the winter.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!

Must have a mountain bike or hybrid with plenty of tread on the tyres. If you are unsure, please do contact me! I'd rather we checked beforehand than having to turn you away for your own safety.

This is a great introduction to those interested in entry level Mountain biking or those looking for a scenic ride.
No skill or previous experience of mountain biking required, however a good level of fitness and experience of general cycling is.

I will happily talk people through basic technique but if you're not feeling up to some of it, you are more than welcome to walk with your bike. Absolutely no judgment here!!

From Harlaw car park, we make our way following Harlaw and Threipmuir reservoir. We will then head up the steep tarmac path to Bavelaw Castle. (great warm up!) No problem if people need to get off and walk with their bikes, I've walked it many times!

From the top, we then have an enjoyable and gradual off road descent down the Green Cleugh. Passing various hills, streams and a water fall.
We then switch to a very quiet tarmac road which follows the reservoir all the way round to Maiden's Cleugh. It is a bit of a slog for 2 miles so we may need to push our bikes up some of it but once at the top, we get to enjoy a long down hill to Harlaw Reservoir

We shall take our time with this route and walk up some of the steeper parts if necessary. We won’t leave anyone behind.

**Please follow covid travel guidelines and restrictions.**
**Please note, there will be no cafe or toilet stops available unfortunately, so bring toilet roll and plenty of snacks/water :)**
**It's going to be cold on Saturday, so gloves and extra layers recommended (: **
For some reason it's not letting me edit the following text regarding coffee and cake! So, I'll say again unfortunately no cafe stops on this ride due to covid.

This route is very scenic, at times challenging and definitely rewarding

90% off road and on walking paths. 10% private road.

Optional - Flotterstone Inn at the half way point if anyone fancies coffee and cake. (cash and card accepted)

Helmets are mandatory. Snacks and refreshments recommended as well as extra layers.

We never leave anyone behind


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Ride leaders

1 ride participant


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