Sunday 10th February 2019 9:00am

Starting from - Mansfield Woodhouse train station \Oxclose Wood
Directions: from Mansfield take A60 towards Mansfield Woodhouse. Take a left turn into the B6032. Turn left into A6075. Station car park is on the right-hand side. NG197NS, NG19 7NS

  • 25 miles
  • Mountain Bike, Hybrid (off road tyres)
  • 4 hr
  • Challenging
  • Mansfield
  • Adults 16+ only
  • Women only

Free, women-only bike rides led by experienced Breeze Champions. They are a great way to get started in cycling or to improve your skills, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned cyclist.

Starting point

NG19 7NS

We will meet at Mansfield Woodhouse train station car park. There are no toilets, so please go before you leave home. From there we will take the trails through Oxclose Wood. These trails are undulating. We will go on to some quiet country roads and then join up with the Meden Vale trail. This is flat except for one sharp drop. Feel free to walk down it it you want. From there, we hit out challenge of the ride, as we go up Chesterfield Road and Pit Lane. This is a good climb and will challenge. Pleasley Pit is at the top and we will catch out breath before enjoying the trails towards Tibshelf. Next, we will make our way back to Pleasley Pit and a much needed snack. Finally, we can either take the road/bike path back to the start, or retrace our way in the trails.

A fun 25 ish miler. It has it all: flat bits, little hills and one BIG hill. The route is mainly off road, but with a few quiet roads inbetween. It's mainly steady, but with some sneaky challenges to keep it interesting.

Mainly trails, but with a few quiet roads.

We will stop at the Pleasley Pit cafe. It is cheap and cheerful, but has great homemade cakes! Bring real money, as they don't do cards.

Please ensure that you bike is in working order. This ride is suitable for mountain bikes and hybrids with wider tyres. Don't forget to have a puncture repair kit and an extra inner tube. Don't worry if you don't know what to do as I've fixed more punctures than I've had got dinners. Please dress for the weather. It may be cold. Layers are always good. We will be cycling about 20 miles, so you will need a full water bottle. A couple of easy to eat snacks may be useful if you need quick energy. Don't forget your pennies as we will stop at a cafe. Please be old-fashioned and bring cash, as I doubt they take cards.

We always welcome first time Breeze riders. Please note that this is not a ride for an absolute beginner. There is one challenging hill that is about a mile long in total. No one is ever left behind, and we ride to the pace of the slowest rider (who is usually me!).

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