Thursday 20th July 2023 9:30am

Starting from - Coypool P+R has free parking all day and public WC’s, PL7 4NW

  • 53.4 miles
  • Hybrid (road tyres), Road
  • 6 hr
This ride is a Challenge 40+ ride Do you have a road bike? Do you have a basic repair kit and spare inner tube to fix any punctures or carry out minor repairs if needed? Are you comfortable cycling 30 miles+ at an average speed of 13-15mph? If the answer to ALL of these is YES, then this ride should be perfect for you! If not, why not think about trying some of our 'Steady' or shorter 'Challenging' rides first so you can build your confidence and fitness?

Led by experienced ride leaders, these rides are a great way to explore new places and to meet new people who enjoy cycling. They are suitable for all levels of experience, so whether you are a beginner or a seasoned cyclist, you can find a ride that is right for you.

Starting point


If you see the yellow box warning about average speeds, IGNORE IT. I’ll be ok if we can average anything above 10 MPH.
This is about enjoying ourselves and, possibly, visiting somewhere new.
We begin our journey on the traffic free Plymbridge Trail. After Yelverton we climb Peek Hill to Princetown before heading toward Postbridge where there may be some traffic.
At this point we take the quieter roads across to Dartmeet and Ashburton from where it is a short burst to our refreshment spot at Buckfastleigh.
The old A38 is the primary return route through South Brent, Ivybridge and Sparkwell and back to our start point.

Route rating

5 stars (1) Reviews

If you’ve not cracked the 50 mile mark or not ventured high up on Dartmoor now’s your chance. Starting out from Coypool Park and Ride we’ll head up the Plymbridge Trail to Yelverton and then carry on up Peek Hill to Princetown and beyond. Just missing Postbridge itself we head through Bellever woods and over the moor all the way to Ashburton and Buckfastleigh where we’ll make our only scheduled refreshment stop. Fully refreshed we return to our start point by the well known route primarily along the old A38.

Whilst we start on the traffic free cycle trail most of the route is on smaller A and B roads which will have regular traffic and may be busy at this time of year.

There will be plenty of opportunities to stop and catch our breath particularly at the top of the climbing stages. We will also be stopping at the Steam Railway Yard cafe at Buckfastleigh for coffee and cake or perhaps something more substantial.

This ride is longer than standard and the refreshment stop is well into the day. With this in mind it is essential that you bring sufficient food and drink to keep you properly fuelled up for the journey. Other than that, usual rules apply - helmet, lights and basic repair capability is mandatory. As we are out all day you will need to check the weather and be suitably prepared for changes.

We never leave anyone behind

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Profile photo for Dan McClean
  • Ride Leader

    Ride Leader

Dan McClean



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