Sunday 6th February 2022 9:30am

Starting from - Shrewsbury Sports Village car park adjacent to bowls centre. Toilets available from 9am. SY1 4RQ

  • 20 miles
  • Hybrid (off road tyres), Hybrid (road tyres), Road
  • 1 hr 30 mins

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Starting point


Head out on NCR 81 to Uffington for a few miles in the lanes east of Shrewsbury Sports Village

About 20miles at 14mph average pace, no drop, all ability ride. Head out on Route 81 to Uffington for a quiet ride in the lanes east of Shrewsbury Sports Village.

Quiet lanes, small section of NCN route 81

If the weather is good we can stop for coffee at Upton Magna

Helmets recommended. Road worthy bike with spare inner tube and means to repair a puncture. Don't worry if you can't do it yourself, someone will be able to help.

We never leave anyone behind

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