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Starting point
LWCG go to Kirby Lonsdale.
We will be riding undulating country lanes.
We will stop at Kirby Lonsdale for lunch.
1.Please keep a 2 meter distance from each other when stopped and stick to the rule of 6 when stopped. 2. We ride at a 1m distance this can be side to side or in a line. 3. You are responsible for your own respiratory hygiene (masks) and hand hygiene (hand wash). 4. You are also responsible for your own First Aid and bike maintenance. 5. No sharing of food, equipment, drinks etc. 6. Track and Trace is via Lets Ride, please do not come if you have Covid etc. 7. Have a plan b to get home if something happens. 8. Demonstrate self care: dress appropriately to the weather and bring refreshments, medicines as required. 9. Bike in good order.
We never leave anyone behind
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