Saturday 24th August 2024 10:00am

Starting from - Geriant Thomas Velodrome, NP19 4RB

This Newport Social Cycling ride is open for anyone to join

  • 34.1 miles
  • Hybrid (road tyres), Road, eBike
  • 3 hr 40 mins
Check the weather! Make sure you've brought the right clothing, equipment and provisions so you have an enjoyable experience. Thanks!

Organized by groups in the community, these rides are a great way to meet new people, explore your local area and to have fun riding your bike. You can find rides that are suitable for your level of experience and interests whilst enjoying being part of a social cycling community.

Starting point

NP19 4RB

We recently lost 3 cycling buddies , all gone too soon , so to honour Ang , Jon & Clive we are holding a charity bike ride on one off our oldest routes that they have all cycled , Venta Silumn . We are asking for a donation on the day , min £5 , but obviously it's upto you how much you pay , but ultimately we hope you will raise funds for St.Davids Hospice Care that cared for Ang & Jon , & also Clives love off rescuing rabbits . Hopefully popping into Seawall Tearooms (TBC ) on way back to velodrome

Route rating

5 stars (4) Reviews

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32 ride participants


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