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Isaac's on the Quay
7 Wherry Quay
Isaac's on the Quay, 7 Wherry Quay, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP4 1AS
IThis route combines the cosmopolitan Ipswich waterfront and its history as a working river and dock. Using mainly cycle paths and suburban roads the route offers some great views of the Marina and River Orwell. During the ride you'll also pass through Gippeswyk Park and Chantry Park. This is a lovely ride for a summer's day.
Route rating
(13) Reviewsriver gipping The River Gipping is the source river for the River Orwell in the county of Suffolk in East Anglia, England, which gave its name to the former Gipping Rural District and the village of Gipping, and Gipeswic, modern Ipswich from the differing dialect pronunciation of the Anglo-Saxon J. It rises near Mendlesham Green and flows in a south-westerly direction to reach Stowmarket. From there it flows towards the south or south east, passing through Needham Market and a number of villages to reach Ipswich, where it becomes the Orwell. The river has supplied power to a number of watermills, several of which are still standing. None are operational, although the mill at Baylham retains most of its machinery, and is the only complete mill on the river.<br /> 3 3 9th Aug 2016
sproughton church The parish church of All Saints', Sproughton, stands at the junction of Church Lane and Lower Street. There has been a church on the site from approx. 1200 AD, but little of the original church remains unaltered. The churchyard,which is a Listed Wildlife Site, borders the River Gipping.<br /> Admin W 9th Aug 2016
start and finish point Isaacs on the Quay is situated in a group of buildings, parts of which date back to the early 1400s and it is the best example of a merchants house, warehousing and sales room (auction house) in the country. When Ipswich was a prosperous trading town, corn, wool and coal were sold from the building<br /> 5 5 9th Aug 2016
Chantry Park The Ipswich Chantry was founded in 1509 by Edmund Daundy. The foundation of the present house is believed to date from 1700. From 1795 onwards Charles Collinson enlarged the estate to 208 hectares and it is he who was responsible for developing the character of much of the registered park which survives today.<br /> 4 4 9th Aug 2016
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