Wednesday 13th July 2022 6:30pm

Starting from - Meet in Leisure Centre carpark at 6:30pm, AL5 2BT

This Ladies Only Rides in Harpenden & St Albans ride is open for anyone to join

  • 17.6 miles
  • Hybrid (off road tyres), Hybrid (road tyres), Road
  • 1 hr 45 mins

Free, women-only bike rides led by experienced Breeze Champions. They are a great way to get started in cycling or to improve your skills, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned cyclist.

Starting point


Route rating

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This evening ride will take you round the lanes up towards King's Walden and we might even be lucky enough to see some poppies on our ride. The weather will be slightly cooler on Wednesday evening but please ensure you are well hydrated and bring a bottle of water with you.

Quiet country lanes mainly

No planned stops but we will always wait at the top of hills and no one gets left behind!

Water!! Plus inner tube and puncture repair kit

We never leave anyone behind

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4 ride participants


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