Saturday 5th January 2019 9:30am

Starting from - The car park of the Triton Inn. It'll be closed when we set off so there will be no toilets. HU15 1QE

  • 20.4 miles
  • Hybrid (off road tyres), Hybrid (road tyres), Road
  • 3 hr

Led by experienced ride leaders, these rides are a great way to explore new places and to meet new people who enjoy cycling. They are suitable for all levels of experience, so whether you are a beginner or a seasoned cyclist, you can find a ride that is right for you.

Starting point

East Yorkshire
HU15 1QE

Route rating

0 stars (0) Reviews

A bit of up and down, but it's worth it!

Mainly along quiet lanes.

We stop at the top of hills! Our main stop will be for coffee and refreshments at Folly Lake.

Helmets are advisable. Please also bring a spare inner tube, water, money for refreshments and a bike lock, if you have one. Make sure you bring clothes to stay warm and dry. If you get too hot, I'm happy to carry surplus clothes in my pannier - but you'll need to remember to ask for them back!

First-timers welcome!

Who else is on this ride?

Ride leaders

Profile photo for Shirley Littlefair
  • Ride Leader

    Ride Leader
  • Breeze Champion

    Breeze Champion

Shirley Littlefair


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