Saturday 26th April 2014 10:15am

Starting from - Edington Village Hall Car Park, TA7 9HA

  • 19 miles
  • Mountain Bike, Hybrid (off road tyres), Hybrid (road tyres), Road
  • 1 hr 55 mins

Free, women-only bike rides led by experienced Breeze Champions. They are a great way to get started in cycling or to improve your skills, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned cyclist.

Starting point


Edington Village Hall Car Park

This is a 19 mile ride for those who are already confident on their bikes as this ride is fairly undulating in places, but no major climbs, and possibly more suited to road bikes and hybrids due to an expected pace of 12mph. This route is mainly on the quiet country roads of the Polden Hill Villages taking in some great views on route, lots of fresh air and chat, and hopefully sunshine!! Starting at Edington Village Hall, we will head out towards Shapwick before gently climbing up to Ascot and on towards Glastonbury then via the flats through Godney to Sweets Tea Rooms in Westhay for well deserved refreshments, then back past Avalon Peat marshes before gently climbing back up to Edington. I will be cycling from Bawdrip, so if you wanted to add an extra 6 miles to the ride, you can start from Bawdrip with me, but please phone me first, so I know you are starting with me, and can arrange what time we would leave. We do ride at the pace of the slowest rider so no one is left behind. Newcomers to Breeze rides are very welcome, don't worry if you don't know anyone, we're a friendly bunch Dress appropriately for the weather, a rain jacket this time of year is a good idea too! Wearing a helmet is advisable; if you don’t have one please do not to worry you can still take part.  If you enjoy the bike ride and would like to come again perhaps you could look to buy one then. It's a good idea to bring some water. You’ll also need a spare inner tube and puncture repair kit. Please bring some money if you want to buy refreshments at Sweets Tea Rooms, where there'll be time for more chat and a drink or bite to eat.
Look forward to seeing you there! Any questions, please call Alison on 07760662007

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