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Starting point
We will ride the traffic free trails at Ashton Court. The plan will be to do a lap of Nova. This is a group ride and not a guided ride. We will aim to stay as a group but if individuals or smaller groups want to break off they can. We'll all meet back at the end for snacks and drink. You are responsible for you children at all times, we recommend 1 adult to 2 children maximum.
We will plan to ride the purpose made tracks at Ashton Court, this will depend on the ablilty of the riders on the day. For their own enjoyment we recommend that your child has ridden the tracks at Ashton Court before and you know they like it.
We will stop ad hoc for snacks on the way round and meet back at the end of a chat and more snacks.. bring lots of snacks and maybe a flask of something you like to drink.
Bring a well maintained off road capable bike. Bring a helmet. You will need to be self sufficient. Bring tools, snacks, first aid and water. This is a group ride and not a guided ride. You are responsible for your children and thier equipment at all times, we recommend 1 adult to 2 children maximum.
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