Saturday 4th June 2022 9:30am

Starting from - We will be starting at Harborough Fields Doctors on Newton Road, meeting in the car park to be ready to go for 930am.

What3words - solutions.amicably.basically
Post Code - NN10 0GP
, NN10 0GP

  • 19.2 miles
  • Mountain Bike, Hybrid (off road tyres), Hybrid (road tyres), Road
  • 2 hr

Free, women-only bike rides led by experienced Breeze Champions. They are a great way to get started in cycling or to improve your skills, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned cyclist.

Starting point

NN10 0GP

Leisurely ride out to the Giddy Goat Cafe in Riseley, taking in some pretty countryside on our way. There are some lumps and bumps but we will stick together and get up them one way or another. ~19 miles

16 mile road route out to the Giddy Goat cafe in Riseley for refreshment, the stop is at ~7 miles. The route takes out through some beautiful countryside with some rolling hills. This ride is not a race and we will keep together and ride at the pace of the slowest rider.

The roads are generally quiet and suitable for road tyres.

The Giddy Goat, established in 2018, is a small, independent family run coffee shop in the beautiful village of Riseley, Bedfordshire . In addition we will stop en route as required.

Helmets must be worn, I would advise riders to bring lights in case they are needed. Please carry spare inner tubes (2) to make dealing punctures easier.

We never leave anyone behind

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