Friday 28th July 2023 10:00am

Starting from - We will start outside the activity centre which is near the cafe at Alice Holt. GU10 4LS

  • 15 miles
  • Mountain Bike, Hybrid (off road tyres)
  • 3 hr

Free, women-only bike rides led by experienced Breeze Champions. They are a great way to get started in cycling or to improve your skills, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned cyclist.

Starting point

GU10 4LS

I plan to ride from Alice Holt down to the river at Frensham and through the woods to Frensham big pond. We will then go up onto Frensham Common and round to the Bourne. This is a beautiful area and there will be a variety of paths. I expect the riding time to be about 2 1/2 hours so with coffee and stops we will be out for about 3 hours. I would recommend a mountain bike or a hybrid with off road tyres.

This will be a circular route from Alice Holt to Frensham Common and the Bourne Woods before returning to Alice Holt.

The majority of the ride will be off road and will vary from gravel paths to deep sand! We will take our time and walk up the hills if necessary.

There is a nice cafe at The Bourne Green that we can stop at for coffee and cake.

Please wear a helmet and bring water and an inner tube for your bike (just incase!)

We never leave anyone behind

Who else is on this ride?

Ride leaders

Profile photo for Bridget Naylor
  • Breeze Champion

    Breeze Champion

Bridget Naylor



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