Sunday 4th July 2021 10:00am

Starting from - Atradius, Harbour Drive, Cardiff Bay, CF10 4WZ

This Cardiff Social Cycling ride is open for anyone to join

  • 24 miles
  • Mountain Bike, Hybrid (off road tyres), Hybrid (road tyres), Road
  • 3 hr

Welcome to Britain’s biggest network of cyclists! Meet like-minded riders, create groups, and organise your own rides.

Starting point

CF10 4WZ

Before booking your place please read the IMPORTANT section below.

A gentle ride from the heart of Cardiff Bay to Barry Island, using a mixture of roads and cycle paths. We'll first cross the barrage then take the wiggly path up to Penarth, using quieter roads to cross to the other side of Penarth where we pick up the railway path down to Cosmeston. From there we have a short section on a busier road before we turn left down St Mary's Well Bay Road down to Swanbridge for views over Sully Island. We then rejoin the main road through Sully, and turn off through the docks for a quieter section. Rejoining Ffordd y Mileniwm we have a choice of road or cycle path along the busy road, then follow the road into Barry Island itself.

We can grab some refreshments and take a short break here.

Just before we leave, if it's not too busy, we'll ride out to Friar's Point for some lovely views back over the beach and out to sea, then return the way we came via the docks, Sully and Swanbridge. After coming back up St Mary's Well Bay Road, we'll cross the main road and take the path up through Cosmeston Lakes before joining the road back into Penarth, back down the wiggles and across the barrage to our start point.

Start point is outside the Atradius building (that's between the Senedd and the Waterguard pub) - there's a large space here which makes it easy to maintain social distancing.

The wiggly path to Penarth will be the steepest part of the ride - this is traffic free and can be walked if needed. St Mary's Well Bay Road is downhill on the way out and uphill on the way back but not steep. Some short and gentle hills otherwise but mostly flat (the elevation profile below is exaggerated!).

Remember to bring a drink, spare inner tube, check your bike over before coming, and always wear a helmet!

Any issues on the day, pop a message on the Ride Conversation tab below or on the Cardiff Social Cycling Facebook group


To ensure that our rides are as safe as possible please note the following and take action where appropriate.

(1) Please do not book a place on the ride should you, or anyone in your household, be suffering from any of the following symptoms:
- New continuous cough
- High temperature
- Loss of, or change to, your normal sense of smell or taste (anosmia)

(2) When booking your place on the ride, please ensure that your contact details on LetsRide are up to date. To do this, go to and sign in to your account. If your details are not up-to-date, scroll to the bottom of the profile page and click "EDIT PROFILE". When you have updated them, scroll to the bottom again and click "UPDATE PROFILE". Your personal details are not visible on your profile - the ride leader gets your phone number and emergency contact details, and these will only be used for emergency purposes, last minute contact about the ride, and 'Test, Trace, Protect' procedures if needed.

(3) If you, or anyone in your household, develop Covid-19 symptoms after booking, please cancel your place on the ride.

(4) Before the ride we will need to confirm that you are not experiencing any Covid19 symptoms.

(5) If you experience symptoms after the ride, you should get a Covid-19 test. If this is positive, you need to contact the ride leader as quickly as possible to enable the 'Test, Trace and Protect' procedure.

(6) You will need to be self-sufficient on the ride i.e. please bring your own tubes, pump, tools, food and drink etc. as sharing raises the risk of spreading Covid-19

(7) We will keep socially distanced on the ride (1m distance is advised while riding, 2m at all other times), so please adhere to this, including at the start point and cafe stop.

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