Monday 25th March 2024 10:30am

Starting from - There is plenty of parking at the Bonded warehouse - drive quite far down the drive past the pub etc and you'll see where others park and the start of the tow-path. Post code DY8 4LU, DY8 4LU

  • 20.4 miles
  • Mountain Bike, Hybrid (off road tyres)
  • 2 hr
  • Challenging
  • Dudley
  • Adults 16+ only
  • Women only

Free, women-only bike rides led by experienced Breeze Champions. They are a great way to get started in cycling or to improve your skills, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned cyclist.

Starting point

West Midlands

Starting from the bonded warehouse, stourbridge we will take the canal to Stourton and head towards Kinver. We will take a short diversion from the canal following a short incline up a track before turning right on the road and left just after the canal bridge to rejoin. We'll then stay on the canal all the way to Cookley before diverting through some woods before rejoining the canal. There is around 1/2 mile on a main road (hopefully shouldn't be too busy on Monday morning), we then turn left off the road to pick up some farm tracks. From here we cross the A449 and follow a purpose-made woodland path which brings us on to a quiet B road which we follow until the A491 which we will cross and then take a bridle lane through a potato field before joining a shared use pavement to take us towards Iverley. A mile on a quiet road will lead us to another track and then over some fields before we cross through more woodland. This has been quite muddy but as of today (saturday) it wasn't too bad. Depending on competence and the state of the paths I may advise dismounted when exiting this woods due to the gradient of the hill. We will then regroup to join quite a busy road where we will take a right turn to follow a track down to the rejoin the canal. From here we head back to the start with the option of stopping at the Ruskin Glass Centre Cafe.

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