Sunday 3rd November 2019 11:00am

Starting from - Meeting outside the Wheel Pub Ticknall

Lots of street parking in the village or parking available at Ticknall village hall where a small donation is always welcome in the honesty box. DE73 7JZ

  • 9 miles
  • Mountain Bike, Hybrid (off road tyres), Hybrid (road tyres)
  • 2 hr 30 mins

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Starting point

DE73 7JZ

Steady 9 mile route starting at Ticknall and following the National Trust Trail in to Calke Abbey where we can stop for toilet/café break before heading back along the National trust trail.
Picking up the old Ashby tram way finishing at the Wheel pub Ticknall for a well deserved soft drink or something stronger.
Mainly off road gravel shared trails, rough terrain in places so helmets advisable
Some small hills and inclines along the way

Younger confident riders are welcome but please note there will be some short road cycling along the route

Steady 9 mile route starting at Ticknall and following the National Trust Trail in to Calke Abbey and back to Ticknall

Mainly off road gravel national trust shared trails

Café and toilet stop at Calke Abbey

Helmets, puncture repair kit/spare inner tube

We never leave anyone behind

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