Friday 8th November 2024 10:00am

Starting from - The car park at Anne Hathaway’s Cottage is a pay and display in the village of Shottery on the outskirts of Stratford upon Avon. Normally best accessed by following the Brown Tourist signs for Anne Hathaway’s Cottage. (However the road is currently closed so if it is still closed on Thursday I will send out directions for how to avoid the closure). The cafe opposite the cottage has toilets and will be ideal for post ride refreshments. CV37 9HH

This ride is limited to members of Women on Wheels 2025 (MEMBERS ONLY) group only

  • 26.2 miles
  • Hybrid (road tyres), Road, eBike
  • 3 hr
Check the weather! Make sure you've brought the right clothing, equipment and provisions so you have an enjoyable experience. Thanks!

Organized by groups in the community, these rides are a great way to meet new people, explore your local area and to have fun riding your bike. You can find rides that are suitable for your level of experience and interests whilst enjoying being part of a social cycling community.

Starting point

CV37 9HH

The route is gently undulating for the most part with the addition of Baker’s Hill (on the outskirts of Mickleton). This hill, the smallest of the Cotswold’s ‘Baker’s Dozen Cycling Hill Challenges’ is less than a mile long with an average gradient of 8 percent. Riders who reach the top, by whatever means works for them, will enjoy the long downs that follow with some stunning scenery. Coffee and cake at the cottage cafe when we return to Stratford.

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