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Friday 21st March 2025 9:30am
Starting from - We meet in Longford park in Chorlton. The car park entrance is on Ryebank road. We meet at the bike racks opposite the Longford leisure centre. No toilet available there.
Postcode: M219TA
, M21 9TA
Led by experienced ride leaders, these rides are a great way to explore new places and to meet new people who enjoy cycling. They are suitable for all levels of experience, so whether you are a beginner or a seasoned cyclist, you can find a ride that is right for you.
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Starting point
Greater Manchester
M21 9TA
Route rating
(0) ReviewsThis is a long ride using trails and roads. We cycle on the road to Didsbury where we join the TPT along the Mersey to Stockport. From Stockport, we cycle through Reddish Vale, with its ups and downs. This is definitely not a suitable terrain for road bikes. We come out at Denton and cycle through Hume woods. We might need to get off our bikes at times and push it up a few steps. We join the Peak Forest canal and get off in Dukinfield. From there on we are on roads, some busy, for a short while till we reach Stalybridge where we get to a café for lunch. We return along the Ashton canal and the Fallowfield loop.
We will ride on roads, some busy, and you will need to be a confident rider. The ride is mainly on traffic free trails and towpath
We can stop in Reddish Vale where there are public toilets and we can stop for photos too. Our main stop is in Stalybridge for lunch
Please, wear a helmet and bring an inner tube and a repair kit. Have rear and front lights fully charged. Bring a drink and some money for the café.
We are a friendly group and welcome new comers.
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