Thursday 18th May 2017 7:00pm

Starting from - Start of Loxley Road just past the bus stop, which is immediately after the pedestrian crossing/traffic lights. S6 4TD

This Wheel Do It! ride is open for anyone to join

  • 12 miles
  • Hybrid (road tyres), Road
  • 1 hr 30 mins

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Starting point

S6 4TD

Start of Loxley Road just past the bus stop, which is immediately after the pedestrian crossing/traffic lights.

This is one of our regular Hill Repeats sessions. We will set off from the bus stop at the start of Loxley Road and take a left at Damflask to the Plough (if you prefer you can meet us at the Plough at approx 7.20pm). When we get to the Plough we'll begin the hill repeats, which are a great way to build up your strength and stamina. The idea is that you ride up the hill as fast as you can for a set time (say 3 or 4 minutes) and then turn round - go down the hill to recover for about the same time and then do it again. You can do as many repeats as you want. If you haven't done this type of intense exercise then it is best to take it steady this time. I am not saying it is easy but it is rewarding. IMPORTANT NOTE: we are not qualified fitness instructors or cycling coaches and cannot advise you whether this session is suitable for you. If you are in any doubt about your health, fitness or ability to do this session, please take medical advice. Do not over exert yourself and always listen to your body - stop immediately if you experience any discomfort or pain.

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9 ride participants


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