Saturday 9th July 2016 2:00pm

Starting from - Session opens from 2pm to 5pm. Acton Market outside Morrisons, King Street, Acton, W3 9LA . Google Maps:, W3 9LA

  • 0 miles
  • Mountain Bike, Hybrid (off road tyres), Hybrid (road tyres), Road
  • 3 hr

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Starting point

W3 9LA

Session opens from 2pm to 5pm. Acton Market outside Morrisons, King Street, Acton, W3 9LA . Google Maps:

Service provided by Cycle Training UK on behalf of Ealing Council: Free health check for your bike. Learn how to check your bike for roadworthiness and get some cycling advice. Brakes are adjusted, tyres are pumped to the correct pressure and your bike can be adjusted to fit you properly. Contact: , 020 7231 6005

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